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Migrating D&D Group Fandom to Docusaurus

· One min read
Brandon Poole

Today I launched the migration of my Monday West Marches-like D&D group's Fandom to Docusaurus hosted by GitHub Pages! I did this for a myriad of reasons:

  1. I hate all the extra Fandom platform noise going on
  2. Navigation and discoverability is terrible
  3. I loathe their editor

This was also my first foray GitHub Organizations, which I moved the initial repo under me into so that other members can have ownership as well, as well as future possibility for more repos such as mission notes or hidden DM (role) notes (repo).

Originally I migrated all the existing art from teh old wiki, but I since generated new images for anything that was pulled off the internet with the exception of some of the character art. Now we have a nice crisp site with easy to manage contributions.

I had a lot of fun (too much according to my wife) running Stable Diffusion locally and creating art for different sections and characters.